This January 7th birthday blog post is dedicated to one of the best people to ever walk the earth: Bailey Danielle McAlister.
Though I went to high school with Bailey, we didn’t become friends until senior year through music class. It’s amazing to look back on how much confidence we lacked, as we were both often so nervous to perform. It’s crazy to me, because Bailey has one of the most beautiful singing voices of anyone I’v ever met.
Towards the end of the year, we grew even closer after being in Seussical the Musical together. With her insane talent, of course Bailey got one of the lead roles, and she was a badass villain at that. We bonded the most backstage when I tearfully had to ask Bai for help with my false eyelashes and bright green eyeshadow. Her patience in handling my drama, along with her amazing makeup skills, showed just the kind of person she truly is inside; special. (cheesy, but true!)
When the senior class took a trip to Disneyland, this is when I fully realized that this lady was my soulmate. I’ve always been someone who has a lot of energy, passion, and childlike wonder that often (and quite understandably) can’t be matched by many. But upon traveling to the happiest place on earth with Bailey, I realized I had met my equal. We wore matching Star Wars shirts, complete with storm troopers on the front painted to look like Van Gough’s Starry Night. She shared my excitement for sweets like goofy’s cherry balls and savories like the giant pickles, sang with me all the way through Splash Mountain, then later we cried together during the fireworks show.
When we’re driving in the car, I love that I can interrupt her just so I can finish singing or rapping a verse to a song. Instead of being annoyed, she joins in and then we resume our conversation. In fact, she does this to me too. It’s quite possibly the best thing ever.
But though I love how she matches my energy, my favorite thing about our friendship is our differences. Bailey helps me keep my feet on the ground when I’m wandering a little too far past the clouds, providing me with the most sage of wisdom and care. She has a beautiful ability to put the minds of others at ease, but beware—she does NOT take ANY bullshit! She stands up for herself and fiercely protects those who don’t have the courage to do so for themselves.
These qualities alone are what are going to (and already do) make her an AMAZING first responder. Oh yeah, did I mention she’s an EMT? I can’t even believe it. The fact that she is fearlessly taking care of people in need? I feel so incredibly proud to call her MY friend.
If you don’t have the privilege of knowing this beautiful, kind, radiant, talented, badass, loving, patient, compassionate, strong person, then I honestly feel sorry for you. Bailey, I know you aren’t a huge birthday person, but this one’s for you. I’ll keep it low-key but you are too wonderful not to be celebrated for existing on this planet another year. We are all better off because of it.
