Today is a very special day, the day in which my dear friend Milan turns 23!!! Which will mark our 9th year of friendship that will last until the day one of us dies—hopefully old and wrinkly in a nursing home of course.
Though it’s not particularly exciting, I still figured I’d do a little trip down memory lane to the first time I ever met Milan. Freshman year of high school, I was the “new girl” in town. Before school officially started, each class had to visit the week before in order to pick up textbooks, schedules, and ID cards while wandering the campus and getting a feel for where things were. I sat nervously in the gym, bouncing my knees against the blue bleachers and probably imagining the worst possible scenarios for what was to come in this foreign place.
My new friend Jaycee, the only person I knew in Folsom and who I met at church over the summer, found me sitting there and ran over to sit with me. This is where she turned around and said “oh this is Milan!” And the rest was history! So crazy right? Yeah, not really.
Now, let’s pause for a minute. Maybe I’m insane? But to me, some things that happen to us in life are inexplainable and beautiful. There’s a select few people I love, where when I met them, I immediately had a deep knowing inside that they were going to be a special and important part of my life. And who do you think one of these people is? I’ll give you a hint, this post is about her :)
The moment I met Milan, my anxiety was put at ease. So maybe it’s not my intuition, but perhaps her calming presence, that told me we’d be fast and steady friends. Either way, anyone who knows Milan can attest to this part of who she is. She has this aura of peace surrounding her, matched with such a beautiful ability to make you feel safe just being around her. For a big ol’ worry-wart like me, you have no idea how much that meant—and continues to mean—to me!
The second time I met Milan, I was sitting in my very first class at my new high school. I turned around in my chair to pass the syllabus to the person behind me, and who do you think was sitting there? My queen once again! We exchanged smiles and I probably said something embarrassing like “omg hey I know you!” because I was so excited to not be alone on the first day of school. It’s been way too long to remember how things progressed after that, but we’ve really been friends ever since.
So in honor of her birthday, here are some other things that I (and everyone else) love most about Milan:
If you have not met Milan, you might think that she is a little shy. If you want to know my opinion, I think this is due to 1.) her being a Scorpio (lol) and 2.) she just isn’t’ a huge talk-about-myself kind of person. So if you haven’t gotten to know her or have a conversation with her yet, you might not be aware of the fact that she is absolutely HILARIOUS. She’s witty in the best kind of way, where if you aren’t listening, often you will miss her little one liners. But out of nowhere, she will drop a BOMB that has me rolling on the floor. If it’s at your expense, watch out y’all.
Another plus? She’s very go with the flow, which means that sometimes I can force her to do things with me that no one else wants to do (i.e. watch bachelor in paradise every Tuesday night of course). I can even force her to go on dates with sweet guys from high school, *cough cough* Connor Frost, who might just end up becoming her kind, loving, doting boyfriend??? Yes, I did that (pat me on the back please and thanks).
Our differences suit another well, something I enjoy best about our friendship. She’s an incredible listener, which is heaven to someone who talks a mile a minute (ahem, me). Despite her love for home and alone time, Milan becomes a real patty animal who is a lot of fun to go out with. She teaches me about fashion and pop culture, while I’ve made her hike mountains once or twice (sorry about that queen).
As far as what we have in common, I love having someone like Milan to share a witty, sarcastic, cynical, sometimes a little messed up, dark sense of humor with! We both love thrifting/finding cheap clothes and we both have some similar difficult childhood memories/experiences. We’re both a little conflict averse, but we’re assertive in different ways. For example, Milan tells me straight-up when I am being stupid for overthinking while I ask for ketchup at the restaurant when she didn’t get any on her burger.
Finally, (and most importantly), Milan has the biggest heart. Her little scorpio shell may seem cold on the outside, but she is a teddy bear deep inside, trust me. Sorry to expose you Milan, but you’re really a big old sap and you know it (hehe). She is the absolute BEST gift giver, who always seems to know exactly what someone might want/need, making it clear how much thought she puts into what she gives. She’s always there to hype her friends up when we’re feeling down and I know if my car broke down somewhere she’d drop everything to get me if I needed. There aren’t many people in our lives that devoted, so I feel pretty damn lucky.
Milan loves her family more than anything in this world, something I find to be so incredibly admirable. She genuinely one of the most loyal people I’ve ever met in my life, and I know that she is going to stay by my side through everything that is to come as we grow older together. I could really say a million things about how special she is, but we would be here for way too long!
So I’ll conclude with this: Happy Birthday bitch! Love you long time. Here’s your reminder that you owe me an hour-long speech/stand-up routine at your wedding since I was the one to set you up with Connor. Oh, and an ice sculpture of my face too. Just btw.
